The intention of the Circle of Self-Leadership project is to touch, empower, and strengthen people to dive into personal responsibility.
We believe in a world where connectedness and nourishment for ourselves are the foundation to create an inner and outer world aligned with our core values.
Our understanding of Self-Leadership


is to shift from outside validation to inner creation and to be willing to take responsibility for our lives and our emotions. Self-leadership is the starting point for the conscious creation of our reality.



The current situation calls for more integration between life and work and to find new ways of connection and communication in all areas of life. Each and every one of us is responsible for our own individual well-being.

In our normal course of life, we encounter many situations that invite us to lead with clarity and love. Leaders come in many shapes and ways.

Are you ready to express and practice your own leadership style?

How do you strengthen your Self-Leadership qualities?
Raising your self-awareness
Acknowledge, understand, and be conscious of your mindset, emotions, and needs.
Knowing your boundaries
Value your space and find the inner confidence to honor who you are.
Visioning your world
Connect to your core values and get clear on the future version you desire to be.
Taking inspired action
Integrate small changes and create new patterns and routines.
Start raising your self-awareness with our free self-assessment tool.


We are Eos and Yvonne.

We both work in our own business and collaboration brought us together. In many ways we are similar and at the same time totally different, which helps us to expand and stretch outside our comfort zone, see new perspectives, and hold space for each other.

Self-Leadership and authenticity guided each of us in our path of life in challenging and uplifting times.

The Circle
of Self-Leadership
Coaching program invites you to build a new skill-set to find direction
and stability from the inside out and learn to lead with love.